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    企业主要产品包括生物杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂 、植物生长调节剂四大类。公司农药以生物农药为主导,倡导绿色革命,服务现代农业,是国内生物农药种类较为齐全、规模优势明显的生产基地。公司的生物农药产品主要有:BT(苏云金杆菌)、枯草芽孢杆菌、农用硫酸链霉素、阿维菌素、多抗霉素、赤霉素等。产品符合国家农业、农药产业政策,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Company Profile
    LKBP, Shandong Lukang Biological Pesticides Co., Ltd. , one of the member of Shandong Lukang Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited, is the technical innovation, exploitation, research and production base of the biological pesticides in the Group. As the sentinel pesticides enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the high-tech enterprise approved by Provincial Science Committee and the member of CCPIT, it covers an area of 40,000 square meters and has more than 160 staff members, over 60 of them are various professional engineers and technicians. Based on its provincial certified Technology Developing Center, it has strong capacity to develop various biological fermentation products.
    Led by its biological pesticides such as bacillus thuringiensis, bacillus subtilis streptomycin, abamectin, polyoxin, GA3, the enterprise are in the production and sales of more than 20 registered pesticides products.
    Possessing its own I/E right, LKBP continually enhance the registration and certification of its products in foreign countries. The bio-pesticides of the company has been registered and exported to more than 20 countries in Europe, South Americas and Asia.

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